2D Animation



Evoke Emotions and Captivate Hearts & Minds with 2D Animation videos: Capturing Brands Vision in Motion

“2D animation boosts engagement by 75% and drives 40% more customer acquisition “ 

Hard Truth

The client’s objective was to shed light on the perils and repercussions of misinformation. To achieve this, we embarked on creating a compelling 2D Animation CSR Video presented in the form of a relatable story. The narrative unfolds, illustrating the profound impact of misinformation and baseless rumours on the life of an ordinary individual. To maintain the focus on storytelling, we opted for 2D Animation complemented by simple backgrounds and character silhouettes. This approach adds depth and emotion to the video, connecting with the audience on a profound level. 

Smart pic

This 2D Animation Ad Film explains the functions and ease of using the app. With easy-to-understand imagery and a narrative, this ad film gets the message across in a fun manner. 


The treatment of this video uses real time scenario to showcase the application of the product. This animated explainer video also projects the value addition of the products instead of just showing the app features.

Copper Connects Us – Sterlite
CHERRY - RFID Solutions
ABB Remote Support

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Phone: +91 8056994433
Email: contact@pathwayproductions.co.nz
